Tuesday 12 July 2011

Introduction to One Great Tree

Some places are for peace lovers and some for adventure seekers.  But tucked away in the millions of years old rainforest within Tanarimba, Janda Baik, is One Great Tree - a natural place for both.

When you are in One Great Tree, the peace and tranquility invites you to slow down.  The constant songs of birds and insects envelope you in its fold.  It soothes and relaxes you, and you're breathing well again.  For those on a spiritual journey, the energy of the forest puts you in the perfect mind for silent meditation, yoga exercises, or qigong practice.

For those seeking adventures, there is much to discover within the land and its surrounding areas.  Hornbills arrive in pairs.  When you take the time to look closely, you will be introduced to a host of amazing insects.  The diversity of flora in the area would astound you.  Stick around and you will notice different things each day.

Call Patricia Lim (+6012 2106345) and find out the numerous possibilities for having a fun or relaxing weekend at One Great Tree.

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