Tuesday 12 July 2011

Things to do nearby - Horse Riding

Nearby in Kampung Cheringin, kids and adults alike will delight in making new friends who are mostly over 6-feet tall.  The horse ranch there is a friendly place for getting kids to have fun outdoors.  It offers leisure rides, as well as riding lessons. While waiting for the horses to get saddled up, visitors can say hello to the other horses of various breeds - from miniature ponies to Arabian stallions.  Our kids love to hand-feed the horses with carrot sticks and apple slices.

It's fun (and a bit scary the first time) to climb up the horse, and try to sway your body according to the horse's rhythm.  Kids definitely learn patience here, as they have to wait anxiously for their turn on the horse for a circle round the paddock.  And they say riding improves balance and coordination too!

World of Flora @ 1Gr8Tree

Angel's Trumpet is music for your eyes
Bat Lily refuses to be outshined
Mesmerizing are the Wild Orchids
Bright as sunshine is the Tiger Eye Iris
Cat's Whiskers play in the breeze
Yellow Daisies cheerfully say cheese
Morning Glory loves climbing high
Come on over just to say "Hi"!

Take a stroll around the grounds and let your senses explore the world of flora and fauna of One Great Tree.

Yoga Getaway

A sanctuary for yogis
 Smile, breathe and go slowly.  ~Thich Nhat Hanh

One Great Tree honours yoga's ancient roots and celebrates its role in our modern world.  We support all yoga teachers, and trainees by providing a peaceful platform as you venture on your spiritual path.

Sun Yoga, an internationally recognised yoga school by founder Dr Jacqueline Koay, has so far conducted a "Yoga Bootcamp" in February 2011, and another Kundalini yoga weekend at One Great Tree in March 2011. Yogis stayed in our light-filled forest house and ate fresh and wholesome food prepared in the traditional yogi way (source: the Kundalini Yoga Cookbook by J.Koay).

You are invited to come join us in our next yoga retreat. Come laugh, reflect, live, and grow together in this blissful environment.

Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.  ~B.K.S. Iyengar 

Fairy Party

One Great Tree was the perfect setting for two little girls' birthday party.  Invitations were sent out for their friends to come and join the fairy escapade.

Indoor and outdoor activities were planned.  The girls did batik paintings of their own fairy designs.  Then they ventured into the garden to collect nature's scrap - leaves, twigs, flowers, moss - for their fairy garden craft.

The grand fairy adventure unfolds in the house when the Fairy Queen was captured and the little fairies have to solve riddles to save her.

A banquet was held to celebrate the event and finally the party drew to a close when the Fairy Queen presented each fairy with a gift. While sleepy heads nodded, some ventured out for a spot of star-gazing.

Introduction to One Great Tree

Some places are for peace lovers and some for adventure seekers.  But tucked away in the millions of years old rainforest within Tanarimba, Janda Baik, is One Great Tree - a natural place for both.

When you are in One Great Tree, the peace and tranquility invites you to slow down.  The constant songs of birds and insects envelope you in its fold.  It soothes and relaxes you, and you're breathing well again.  For those on a spiritual journey, the energy of the forest puts you in the perfect mind for silent meditation, yoga exercises, or qigong practice.

For those seeking adventures, there is much to discover within the land and its surrounding areas.  Hornbills arrive in pairs.  When you take the time to look closely, you will be introduced to a host of amazing insects.  The diversity of flora in the area would astound you.  Stick around and you will notice different things each day.

Call Patricia Lim (+6012 2106345) and find out the numerous possibilities for having a fun or relaxing weekend at One Great Tree.